Our Healing incense is consecrated to healing on all levels, connecting us to the angels of the Sun, and specifically to Archangel Raphael. If you are facing difficulty, especially on a physical level, call upon Raphael. All hardships you are experiencing, can benefit from healing aspects that salve us in a variety of ways. Raphael elucidates these ways for us if we do not shy away from his Shining Golden Rays.
Our Healing incense, reblended on December 8, 2021, a Wednesday, thus also enfold the alchemical energies of Mercury. Remember that Mercury’s Caduceus is the symbol for healing by medical practitioners. Hermetic medicine reminds us that healing is more than aiding the physical body, True Alchemical Healing integrates healing on all aspects of our body, mind, heart, and spirit. Healing is always available, and we should not limit our beliefs only a certain way, but expect the surprise miracles that can also show up.
The reading for this blending gives us several insights. The color transformation to a softer solar ray, now resembles the first dawn of daylight as the sun rises over the horizon. This reminds us that the early dawn is arriving. Like the gentle Deer, caressing us with soothing calming energies.
Gentleness is an important part in healing,for we need to be gentle with ourselves, for healing has its own pathways, within divine timing. Be grateful for the process, there is much to appreciate as we grow and attain how to be healthful.
By embracing our illness, discomfort, dis-ease, we accept the challenge to understand the unveiling of the why and what is next. For only in embracing do we build the foundation to health. We become more aware, so that we don’t continuously fall victim to “dis-ease”. This exposure to life’s experiences allows us to gain valuable immunity.
When working on any kind of healing, it is important to gather and prepare for anything that might happen. But should we be preparing for the worst? Why don’t we prepare for the best? Like the idea of being completely healthy and happy can actually feel scary to those who have not lived in a state of physical, spiritual, or mental health for a long time. What do you do when you are no longer defined by the lack of health, but by the prosperity of it! Just hold the bright future in your heart and see it to be, and be open to change when new developments arise.
Healing requires patience and taking steps to the different avenues that present themselves. Do not be discouraged when things take time. The universe is working toward the best outcome as long as we continue to have faith in it. Patience rewarded!
Commend ourselves for being brave and courageous enough to take the journey through any kind of healing process. Some things are easier than others. It takes strength of character to work through it. As courageous healers, sometimes we need to take hold of the reins of our wellbeing, and that can involve self-discipline to do what is necessary for our personal healing. Others may help guide and help us, but we have to be the ones to own it and do the work. Through your healing, others will find the strength to follow suit, just as you may find the courage to push through from bearing witness to someone else’s triumph. Your way of healing may be very different, but it is no less courageous and it doesn’t lessen the conviction of your character.
Through all this we are able now to integrate our own healing process. Remember where you were, how far you have come, and where you are going. Remember Mercury’s caduceus: All Parts of ourselves form our system and synergy for continuing health, happiness, and wellbeing.
May the angels of the Sun shine light on Your Path to healing, wellness, and integration to Your Whole.